Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cross Stitch oh Cross Stitch

Counted Cross Stitch and I do not get along! I always think that I can do it because it looks easy! NOT!! I always have a hard time getting started and making sure I count my stitches right. This time I picked an easy cross stitch with very little designs. It is a replica of a Navajo rug. So most of the pattern are strips.

So I started.

And then I realized that I had messed up already!

Ripping out stitches is never fun!

I even tried to make a grid like the one on the pattern. But that was where I messed up. I got so focused on my Aida fabric that I assumed my grid was per inch so 14 stitches between the grid lines. WRONG! The chart is meant for any type of fabric so it was ten stitches not 14.

So here is my cross stitch all fixed and ready to go!

Let's hope its smooth sailing from here on out. 

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